Seafood Pasta Salad

Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 20 Mins Cook Time: 10 Mins Total Time: 30 Mins

     This seafood pasta salad is perfect for any occasion.  I first had it at a baby shower years ago, and have been hooked and making it ever since.  Every bite is a creamy deliciousness loaded with seafood and veggies. This pasta salad is a great addition to any party or gathering.  Give this recipe a try and I guarantee you make it again.



0/8 Instructions
  • Put on the pot of water to boil the pasta.
  • Chop and dice all the veggies and set aside
  • Put boiled rinsed and drained pasta into a large serving dish or medium sized aluminum pan
  • Add the veggies and gently mix with the pasta.
  • Add the shrimp without tails, and also the package of imitation crab meat
  • Gently fold in the dill dip through out the pasta making sure to cover as much of the ingredients as possible.
  • Next, add about a half bottle of the ranch dressing, and Gently mix very well. You may need to add more ranch depending on the consistency of the pasta salad.
  • Add the salad seasoning and mix well into the pasta salad. Keep in the refrigerator until ready to serve.


Served best cold and with crackers

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